22 September 2019
We're all screwed if we don't take action now
Those who know me well know that I cherish the opportunity to educate people on our inevitable extinction if we don’t do something to fix climate change. The Global Climate Strike In London is another great chance for me to decry our preventable doom
22 October 2018
Why I marched for a People’s Vote on 20 October and what you can do if you want your say
26 March 2018
Do young people even care about Brexit?
Britain is currently undergoing one of the biggest political, social and economic disruptions it has ever faced, and those who will feel the long-term impact are failing to make their voice known.
16 March 2017
C2C: The Artists
We take a closer look at some of the artists who performed at Country2Country 2017!
2 October 2015
March's theme is…Literature
This month we're teaming up with Bath Literature Festival, and delving into the world of lit.