13 January 2020
Want my job? with Melanie Shee, Partnership Manager for Creative & Cultural Skills
Melanie Shee wears many hats! She is a Partnership Manager for CC Skills, helps creative businesses get off the ground, and is a freelance trainer, educator and assessor.
6 November 2019
Discover! Creative Careers Week to help young people kickstart careers in the creative industries across England
A major new initiative to encourage young people to consider a career in the creative industries is soon to be launched, with support from over 500 employers across the country.
6 June 2019
What goes on at London Bubble Theatre?
Natalie Clarke talks to Voice about the work undertaken at London Bubble Theatre, who were recently nominated for a Creative Choices award by Creative & Cultural Skills for their commitment to skill development.
6 June 2019
Want my job? with Natalie Clarke, Project Coordinator London Bubble Theatre Company
Natalie talks about the fun of juggling multiple projects, the challenges of quantifying their impact when it comes to evaluations, and reflects on some of her career highlights
29 April 2019
Want my job? with Mateusz Pacan, Client Account Manager at Ticketmaster UK
Mat has been nominated for CC Skills Apprentice of the Year for his work at Ticketmaster UK.
23 April 2019
What does the cultural workforce look like in 2019?
Recently the Creative & Cultural Skills Council released a report on their latest Workforce Data research. There’s lots to play with and explore, but here’s a few interesting points….