Set in a new, fantasy, Norse mythology-inspired world is God of War, an
action-adventure video game franchise created by santa monica studio, which began
in 2005 on the playstation 2 video game console.
God of War is a game filled with emotions, and violent bloody action.
It starts off with Kratos (The god of war) burying his wife and the mother of his son,
Atreus, as the two mourn over the loss of their wife and mother, they set off on a
quest to fulfill her final wishes. One of the big things this game focuses its attention
on is the bond between father and son, Kratos’ relationship with his young son
Atreus. Throughout this game you will see Kratos parenting and training his son to
survive as they fight through monster after monster to get to their destination. In all
the games I have played and completed it is very rare to see a father and child
dynamic that is so successfully developed which creates an amazing adventure as
you get to fight alongside them.
Character development
Kratos moves to start a new life and hopefully not make the same mistakes he did in
the past. When the game begins we immediately see a changed man. From a
bloodthirsty, enraged psychopath, to a conflicted father who trains and protects his
son no matter what.
view point
Playing this game I noticed that unless you die it never cuts once, from the title
screen to the ending credits. It increases the sensitivity of the scale when fighting
huge enemies, but it also made me empathize with Kratos, at the most intense and
heartbreaking points of the game, where the camera focuses, makes you feel like
you're right beside him.
Overall the graphics were amazing, you could see every little detail in the environment
and all the little details in the character like the wrinkles which in the previous games
don't show much of and now they have completely changed his facial expression to
show that he has aged and as a person has changed. The graphics play a big part in
video games because they help to show the characters facial expression. For
example, you can see that Kratos is always grumpy and never smiles, but then you
can clearly see that his son Atreus has a completely different facial expression
because he is still just a kid.
The Action
Kratos’ signature weapon in this game is the leviathan axe, an axe much like Thor's
hammer mjolnir, and his axe Stormbreaker, where he can throw it and be able to recall
it back to him. This being one of the greatest weapons I have used in any game I have
played. The pleasant sound of the axe makes it so satisfying to use as you throw it at
your enemies and recall back to you listening to the sound of the axe fly past the
wind. Even many throws later, you never get used to it. Throughout the game you will
find many combinations for yourself to fight with being either, combos with or without
the axe, parrying with the shield or assisting with atreus, makes every battle worth the
while. With a variety of upgrades, for the axe, armour, and even a variety of special
attacks gives you the feeling of excitement every time you get the chance to unlock
something new. The bigger enemies give you an amazing fight, but the enemies of the
similar size to Kratos, I personally think give of the best fights, allowing you to use
more of your combos and skills you have unlocked, and also giving you the chance to
have the satisfying feeling of parrying just before the enemy can get a touch on you.
One thing I think we didn’t get to see enough of is the main antagonist, Baldur. This
character is definitely an interesting one and I think that giving him a bigger part in
the game would have been great for the story, but overall he did get his time in the
game and it made the story great and the fight scenes amazing.