Film - Rogue One

A review of the film Rogue One for my Bronze Award

Film - Rogue One

What was the title of the film?

 Rogue One

Why did you choose to watch this specific film?

I really like Star Wars and I hadn't watched that one recently. 

What did you learn from this film?

Hint: this is a very important question as the Award is all about your learning experiences! Even if you learnt very little it could be important to your artistic development - everything you see or do changes the way you think, so answer this question carefully – think about music and lyrics, the colours used, animation techniques, etc.

I learnt how the Death Star was made. I also learnt more about the character Grand Moff Tarkin. I found out that he didn't actually make the Death Star. I enjoyed finding out more of the Star Wars story that fits between movie 3 and movie 4.

I noticed that the movie was more modern than movie 4.

Did you enjoy watching the film? Why?

I liked the story line. All the main characters die though. A liked all the space ships.

Write a short review of the film

Hint: write around 100 words about the film

I really enjoyed watching this film, and would recommend it to everyone.

An imperial officer ran away from the Empire. Directer Krenic found and recaptured him. The imperial officer had a daughter called Jyn Eso who joined the Rebel Alliance. The imperial officer also told Director Krenic how to build the Death Star. The imperial officer was killed in an attack by a rebel X wing on Edu. The Rebel Alliance launched an invasion on the planet Scarrif, where the Rebel Alliance tried to get the Death Star plans. They were losing the battle until the rebel fleet turned up. Jyn Eso got the Death Star plans, killed Director Krenic, but the Death Star turned up and destroyed the base on Scarrif, killing Jyn Eso. Darth Vader's star destroyer turned up and destroyed the whole rebel fleet except for the Tantive 4, which was carrying the Death Star plans. 

The movie ends with you wanting to watch movie number 4 to see what happens next. My favourite part of the film was the big battle at the end. I think this movie was excellent, and everyone should go and watch it.   

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Zebadiah taylor

Zebadiah taylor

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  • Carol Leach

    On 15 May 2020, 16:50 Carol Leach commented:

    good review Zeb, you have summarised the film plot very well

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