Jane Eyre - Live Screening Review

This adaptation of Jane Eyre certainly does not take anything away from its predecessor. If anything it just shares this feminist story with more people, and for that I am grateful

Jane Eyre - Live Screening Review

Jane Eyre is a hugely well known masterpiece of writing. Even if you don’t know the story, you have probably heard of the book. This adaptation of the story certainly hasn’t taken anything away from its predecessor. If anything, it has just shared this feminist story with more people, and after watching it, I’m grateful.
This story, originally written by Charlotte Bronttë, tells the story of ,orphan, Jane Eyre from her birth, sharing her struggles, sacrifices and how she, from a young age, was not afraid to speak her mind.

Everything onstage was quite basic, from the set to the costumes, which stripped back the play to its bare bones; the acting, and the message behind it. Even though the set was quite abstract for such a historical piece of theatre, it really worked well for what the piece was trying to convey. Since the stage was so bare and open, the lighting could be any colour, but they didn’t need it to be, since it was quite a Brectium piece of theatre. They did use it occasionally though to create the effect of a red room, or what time of the year it was. Costume was important because they only had one actress playing Jane throughout the span of her life, and the way they used the fabric, I thought was quite clever.  

Since everything else was quite pulled back, the acting had to be top notch because they didn’t have much to fall back on, and it was. The actress playing Jane was sincere and believable, whenever she stood up to someone you felt a little like you were rooting for her, and everyone around her really helped convey the story of her life. With the cast of nine actors, they all multi-roled, playing roles from young children, to stingy antes, to dogs, all created with very little change in costume and a huge change in character.
With this piece of theatre, you can get lost in the dark a little but there were moments of comedy throughout at jut the right moments making you wish for more.
Overall Jane Eyre was an impactful, feminist piece of theatre that is definitely worth a watch.

Header Image Credit: Manuel Harlan

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Elizabeth Daily-Hunt

Elizabeth Daily-Hunt

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  • Anya Snape

    On 2 June 2020, 13:11 Anya Snape commented:

    Lizzie, this is a great I like how you have introduced the review as you are almost taking to the reader when you were mentioning the book. Also I like the way you have layed it out.

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