Consider the Birds!

I am reviewing an event that I went to called Consider the birds run by Rod Ferbrache in Guernsey. He taught us all about the birds we can discover on the island as well as showcasing some of his amazing bird photography.

Consider the Birds!

What an amazing evening, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute! 

Image may contain: bird and text

The event was held in an old church so full of wonderful architecture, yet the heating created a warm and inviting environment. there were about 50 people attending and all seemed fascinated to hear the talk by Rod, about how we can spot, identify and protect the wild birds on the island. This talk included rare bird visitors to the island like the Snowy Owl which has only ever been seen once! This made me want to go out and search for these rare but magnificent birds.

During the break i looked at all of Rod's photos on display, WOW! He is so talented and has some incredible shots of birds. Some of them i didn't recognise but we soon asked other guests who spent ages explaining where they could be found, what they ate, where they nested and if they were permanent or migratory. Rod also walked around the room chatting to people, he seemed very relaxed and friendly. One person who brought a photo asked him to tell them about the location of the shot, he spend quite a while with them explaining all about where and how he managed to get such a great photo. I thought that was nice that they knew the story behind the photo instead of just buying it form a gallery.  I will definitely be looking out for and attending any of his future events.

Header Image Credit: Rod Ferbrache

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Jacob Jenner-Arnold

Jacob Jenner-Arnold

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  • Carol Leach

    On 16 December 2019, 08:43 Carol Leach commented:

    this sounds like a fascinating opportunity to learn about the birds in Guernsey, and I can understand why you enjoyed it so much

  • Sienna James

    On 22 December 2019, 14:42 Sienna James Voice Team commented:

    Sounds like you had a great time! Did this event inspire your own artwork?

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