Comiccon Review

Comccon Review

Comiccon is the West Midland's largest pop culture event where comic fans meet and cosplay like their favourite characters. It usually involves Chief guests who are celebrities related to the comic industry. When we first arrived, we had to wait in a huge line to get in. There were countless cosplayers there, who inspired me to create a cosplay of my own.The level of detail in some of them must have taken hours of work. As I walked around the stalls,I saw multiple people selling their artwork of their favourite characters, which must have also taken hours to create.                                                                                                                         0cee4a4ff3127dc58f62a2644dc0c782391513a6.png58822bd261d4669533090d6daea95d7d1d93024a.png0c509d55ad50ab9f7d58ccfcf090bb20ba8517e3.png

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Jessica Moisey

Jessica Moisey

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