Direct Art Action

Direct Art Action gallery.

Direct Art Action

We went to the Sutton Coldfield art gallery called Direct Art Action on 27/02/2019.We looked at art and photography. We took pictures of the ones we liked and analysed one piece of art and one piece of photography. We were able to sit at a table and work through the analysis. At the end, we interviewed the owner of the gallery and asked him questions that were relevant to how he got started in the arts industry. 

There were some things that were unexpected. The first one was that the gallery is open to present local people’s work who are not very well known to get them more popular. For example, university students. Another thing I found unexpected was the paper shredder as a form of art which included slips of paper with questions on them. The questions were related to a theme of if prisoners should have the right to vote. After you had written the answer you were meant to shred it.  It showed me that art could be shown in lots of different ways.

One of the things that I found good was the use of 3D art. This is because it made looking around a lot more fun and interesting as there were a range of different types of work like papier maché, plastic, glass and wood. Another thing that I found good was how we could interview the owner of the gallery at the end to ask him questions we needed to gather information of what we needed to know. 

There was not anything that I did not like in particular however I do think that there could possibly be more work presented throughout the gallery with more information about the artists.  I liked it when I knew what the work was about. Like when we interviewed the college student, she had included some information on the wall next to her poster designs about the environment but we could also ask her more about it as well.

One thing that I have learnt from this arts event would be that art and photography is still personal and unique even if you work in the style of other artists that have inspired you. Skills will develop alongside with ideas over time and being in education. One of the thoughts I would take away with me would be that working in the style of a photographer is okay because you can make it different in your own way and make it personal to you. It doesn’t mean you are necessarily copying, it means you are expanding skills and ideas for future pieces of art. An idea I would take away with me would be the working in themes and doing a range of different photography images but all relating to the same theme. For example, mental health, colour, society.

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alysha casey

alysha casey


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