Khnum, Michael Storrs - A solo exhibition of sculptures in clay and paintings at the white Moose Gallery

This is my review of the Khnum exhibition for my silver arts award.

Khnum, Michael Storrs - A solo exhibition of sculptures in clay and paintings at the white Moose Gallery

What was the title of the exhibition/show?

Khnum, Michael Storrs - A solo exhibition of sculptures in clay and paintings.

Why did you choose to attend this exhibition/show?

As I was looking on my laptop for exhibitions, I saw a advertisement for this exhibition and I thought it looked interesting. 

Who were the artists and what do they create?

The artist Michael Storrs, background was organising classical music events and representing classical performers. Since retiring he has returned to concentrating on his art and music still remains a great influence on his work. He know paints in oil and ink and makes ceramic sculptures.

 What did you see?

A collection of many ceramic head and large paintings.

 What were your first impressions?

My first impressions where it didn't look as interesting as I thought, but as I looked around I became quite interested in all the different looks even though they were mostly just heads each one had a different character and story to tell.

 Did you find anything particularly interesting to your personally?

The black and white striped head was my favorite sculpture because I liked the black and white colour scheme and how some parts of the clay where textured.

What did you learn which will help you to achieve your challenge?

As i said they were all pretty much heads but they all had a different story to tell, I had the idea to take photos of the same tree or object at different times of day and weather to attempt to show different moods.

 Did you enjoy the experience overall? Why?

Yes I enjoyed the exhibition, It was very interesting to look at all the different sculptures and the gallery owner talked to me about some of the sculptures and the artist.

Header Image Credit: White Moose Gallery


  • Bee Snellen

    On 6 March 2019, 11:45 Bee Snellen Voice Team commented:

    Hi Taran! Thanks for posting your review. Would you mind adding an image and short bio to your profile? We'd love to know more about you!

    How did the ad make you interested in the exhibition? Do you think you will experiment with ceramics or sculpting after this exhibition?

  • Carol Leach

    On 24 April 2019, 13:19 Carol Leach commented:

    great review Taren, well done. Did you get around to photographing the tree?

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