Cake and Bake Show review

For my Arts Award I am doing Sugar Craft, so I went to the Cake and Bake show for ideas.

Cake and Bake Show review

Part C2 Exhibition/show 

Date: 05/10/2018:  London Cake and Bake Show, Excel

Why did you choose to attend this exhibition/show?  When I saw this was on  I thought it would be good to learn more about sugar craft and look at some cakes for ideas for my work.

Who were the artists and what do they create? I saw Rosie Dummer and she made an amazing cake of Big Ben.

What did you see? I saw lots of amazing cakes, my favourite was the Big Ben or Elephant cake.  I also saw some demonstrations.  I saw a piping demonstration and saw Rosie making icing for a cake.

What were your first impressions? My first impression of The Cake and Bake Show was it looked very busy and there were a lot of stands.  I thought it was good to have the Big Ben cake at the entrance because it was probably one of the best cakes there and it had the wow factor.  It was hard to find the different stands and was confusing to find something you were looking for.  Some of the stalls had too many people in them.

Did you find anything particularly interesting to your personally? Yes, I found it interesting how to use different nozzles to do different patterns when you are piping.

What did you learn which will help you to achieve your challenge? I learnt how to use a piping bag which I think will help me to make an amazing cake.  I bought a bag at the show and am looking forward to using it.

Did you enjoy the experience overall? Why?  I did enjoy it because I learnt how to do different things like piping and decorating and I saw lots of different cakes for inspiration.

I would recommend The Cake and Bake Show for anyone interested in cake decorating

Header Image Credit: cake and bake

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Grace Wolstenholme

Grace Wolstenholme

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  • eve wolstenholme

    On 11 October 2018, 12:07 eve wolstenholme commented:

    This is a good review because it shows that it was an interesting show.

  • Joshua Gould

    On 19 October 2018, 15:04 Joshua Gould Contributor commented:

    Oh wow, a cake that looked like Big Ben? What other things do you think would be good to make out of cake? Buckingham Palace? St Paul's Cathedral?

  • Isobel Fairs

    On 26 October 2018, 11:00 Isobel Fairs commented:

    amazing!!! a really great review it sounds like you had a lot of fun but maybe you could have included some pictures of the big ben cake. I would love to visit this show!

  • Grace Wolstenholme

    On 3 November 2018, 19:26 Grace Wolstenholme commented:

    I would like to make a cake of the Eiffel Tower! But also a Sylvanians families house - and I saw one of these at Cake International.

  • Helen wolstenholme

    On 3 November 2018, 19:34 Helen wolstenholme commented:

    It will be fun to start using your own piping bag. Sounds like there was lots to see.

  • J Houghton

    On 6 November 2018, 09:45 J Houghton commented:

    Hope you make something great with your new bag. Great feedback for the organisers too

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