Review of Gaslight

This is my review of when I saw Gaslight at Cambridge Arts Theatre

Review of Gaslight

After going to see Gaslight I thought the production was really clever in how they used so many different techniques of building suspense, fear and uneasiness to create a really exciting play- yet still getting across the classic Victorian thriller. This included the background music, the use of flashing lights and the way their whole set was slanted. The story was based on a woman who was driven by her murderous husband to believe she was crazy whilst secretly every night he was searching the top floor of their house looking for rubies that his previous wife, which he had killed, had hidden. I really enjoyed how mysterious each character was portrayed and I was always left on the edge. I especially liked the spookiness of the gaslight concept and how something so simple was the answer to a mystery so big.

Despite loving how authentic the set for the play was, I think it would have been a lot more interesting for there to be a number of scenery's as it just makes the performance a bit more gripping and fun to see.

The only thing I disliked about the play was one of the maids; this is because all her sections were irrelevant and unnecessary adding nothing to the story. If I could change it I would take that character out.

Coming out of the experience I think I learnt a lot about building tension and that as well as great acting and a great story line you need to use music , lighting (gaslights!), scenery and even the perspective of the scenery. In Gaslight this all came together creating an incredible play and I'm glad I saw it.


Daisy Hadley

Daisy Hadley

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 4 July 2017, 10:18 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    I'm glad you saw it too, Daisy! Looks like a great show.

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