Sanaa - "Chocolate" by the 1975

I have chosen to review one of my favourite music videos - "Chocolate", by the 1975

Sanaa - "Chocolate" by the 1975

In my opinion the music video was very modern twist with a retro feel. I like the scenery and it mostly exemplifies the feeling of love and art.

From the beginning the dynamics of the video was quiet and calm and built up the mood to happiness and triumph, It made me feel calm. People might think of it as a crazy rock song but when you watch the video it's something different and more simple.

I liked the fact that the video was black and white because it added to the simplicity of the overall video. I think it could possibly be inspired by the film 'Grease', this is because they are in car for most of the video and wearing black leather jackets.

Overall I think the video is good because of the scenery and the way they are bringing back the 1970's into 2016.

Here is the video:

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  • Kerry Nixon

    On 24 February 2017, 11:13 Kerry Nixon commented:

    Great review Sanaa, Nice in-depth look at the meaning behind the video. Thanks for sharing!

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