New Music Video: Stacey Jackson 'Soldier'

UK pop sensation reveals new visuals for her latest single 'Soldier'. 

New Music Video: Stacey Jackson 'Soldier'

Look in the mirror. Are you happy with what you see? How do you feel about your reflection? Do you recognise yourself? We may hide from other people, but we definitely shouldn't hide from ourselves. Living our most authentic life translates to living the fullest life possible. 

In most cases, music can spark the courage you've been looking for so long. UK pop songstress Stacey Jackson is known for uplifting records that inspire through pulsating 80s-inspired rhythms, such as her previous releases 'Urgent' and 'Flipside.' 

The newest addition, 'Soldier,' responds to Jackson's friends' life experiences and extends an encouraging platform. Focusing on unleashing your inner warrior, Jackson uses 'Soldier' as the starting point for people living in the shadows of fear and judgement, with lyrics, "There comes a time for change, the power to be free, in this game of life, we've gotta choose what's it gonna be."

Sharing her wisdom, Stacey Jackson talks more about the heart and soul of 'Soldier': "We all have different characters to ourselves, wearing multiple hats and what feels like different lives at times! However, no matter who you are to people, you are always and only YOU for yourself. And there is only one REAL you. In every scenario, you must be your own soldier. We all have to be true to ourselves no matter who is counting on us because we could never be a great parent, great at our jobs, a great sibling, friend or partner until we are true to ourselves."

As the first single out of Jackson's upcoming album 'Super Woman,' 'Soldier' teases the full package of hypnotising dance-floor fillers that will move us with more than just a good beat. 

You can watch the new 'Soldier' visuals below. 

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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