Oklahoma! The Musical for Theatregoers

This production of Oklahoma! subverts our expectations of this 'traditional' simple storyline musical through bold direction, imaginative staging and and thought-provoking way of bringing it to the modern day. 

Oklahoma! The Musical for Theatregoers

Oklahoma! uses a love triangle, a village setting and the threat of guns to unpick several layers of misogny, gun safety and toxic masculinity. The storyline at times can feel slow to the modern day viewer, however, its languid pace helps transport you to deep America. What is most surprising is how different a script can sound in a different context. The detailed acting uses tone and emphasis so delicately so that as the audience you put into question what is being said and what it really means. The story is taken out of its realist setting by leaving the relationship between Jud and Curly open ended and also uses staging to carefully highlight different power dynamic and characters emotions. The simple one location set helps hold the tension of this community whilst cleverly using the lighting to transform the space and bring together the different combination of characters. For a musical, the songs are almost secondary to the thought that has gone behind this story, having said that, the brilliant vision helped bring new life and strength to the songs which were funny and entertaining. A well crafted and well executed story that leaves you mulling over the society and world we live in.

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