My Review of A Christmas Carol at RSC

I went to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre (RSC) to watch David Edgar's adaption of 'A Christmas Carol.' The play told the story of the classic Novel of Scrooge and how he embarks on a journey with the three ghosts of past, present and future.

I really enjoyed watching “A Christmas Carol” and Edgar’s adaptions were successful and enjoyable to watch. 

It was really clever how Edgar incorporated Charles Dickens into the play, and how it was the story of him writing the novel. He came in and out of the story rewriting it if not liking the outcome. This added humour for the audience. 

As an audience member I really enjoyed how there was dancing and singing that enlightened the play. It was all significant to the time period and the costumes too were amazing and fitted the time period exactly.  

The cast was quite small and there was a lot of multi rolling but my favourite characters were Scrooge, played by Edmondson, because he was funny but also as you watch you start to feel sympathy for him. My other favourite character was Christmas Past played by Rebecca Lacey because she added humour and acted as a therapist for Scrooge helping him see what he’s missed from the past, giving the realisation that he used to love Christmas. 

The play was a lot more ghostly than I expected and there were some jump scares that caught me off guard, it was amazing how they made the actors look so ghost like, at one-point Edmondson puts his hand through another actor. This really amazed me and shocked me at the same time. 

The staging was amazing, a massive four posted bed came up from out the ground and all actors double up as stagehands for moving pieces of furniture across the stage. They used doors to show separating rooms and different houses which I found very effective.  

The greatest thing about the RSC theatre is that it has a thrust stage, so actors come on stage from different directions, and it adds more intimacy with the audience and actors.  

I really enjoyed the play, and it was all that I expected and more. The play had more ghostly parts than that originate in the novel, but the adaption was really successful, and it was smart how Edgar added the part of Dickens being involved in the play. This then showed how Charles Dickens wanted the novel to be and how it turned out. It also shows the morals that Dickens wanted to show in the novel and how he wanted to show them. 


Louisa Kerton

Louisa Kerton

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  • Mitali Prasad

    On 2 February 2023, 12:31 Mitali Prasad commented:

    Hi Louisa

    Really liked the review I was just was wondering what age range would be suitable for this play?

  • Louisa Kerton

    On 2 February 2023, 12:45 Louisa Kerton commented:

    Hiya Mitali,

    After watching the play I would suggest that this is a play is for an older audience. Personally as a sixteen year old I very much enjoyed this play so I would suggest a sixteen plus audience. There are parts that are ghostly and this is the whole reason that some younger audiences might feel scared.

  • Shara Parry

    On 2 February 2023, 12:55 Shara Parry commented:

    Hi Louisa
    You mention David Edgar's other adaptations: what else have you looked at and how would you say this production compared to his other works?

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