Short Film Funding opportunity

A great, creative opportunity for film-markers!

Short Film Funding opportunity

The Short Film funding programme supports projects with directors based in England and is run in partnership with the BFI NETWORK Talent Executives who work with filmmakers on the delivery of funded projects. 

This fund supports the production costs of fiction shorts, in both live action and animation. BFI Network want to support short films that respond to our core objectives, which are to support: 

- The early careers of ambitious filmmakers;

- Filmmaking that takes risks on talent, form and content;

- Work that recognises the quality of difference – in perspective, in talent, in recruitment;

- Work with cultural relevance or progressive ideas;

- Work from filmmakers based throughout the nation, not just in traditional industry centres.

The fund is intended to stimulate new ideas and stories, so it doesn’t support adaptations of existing material. They welcome applications for amounts throughout the available budget range up to a maximum of £15,000. They are seeking applications for films of any length up to a maximum of 15 minutes. 

Application deadline: Monday 27 September (midday)

Applicants informed of decision: by Friday 17 December 2021

To apply or for more information please visit: 

Header Image Credit: The BFI Network official website


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

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