Crafts Council Young People's Workshop @ The William Morris Gallery

Aged 16 – 25 and interested in craft and making?

We’d like to invite you to help plan and deliver our next Young People’s workshop, which will be part of our Hey Clay! festival in a few weeks’ time. This is a great opportunity to build your experience and gain lots of transferable skills. It’s fantastic for CV building, and if anyone is working towards Arts Award the workshop can be used for arts leadership/arts skill share units in your portfolio.

Hey Clay! is our nationwide free festival of ceramics. Studios, art centres and galleries all open their doors for the weekend to run free, hands on clay workshops for the public throughout the UK. The festival runs from the 23rd to the 25th of March, and is part of the Get Creative festival.

Crafts Council Young People's Workshop @ The William Morris Gallery

The William Morris Gallery have very kindly agreed to host the workshop on the 24th of March, from 1-4pm. This happens to be William Morris’ birthday! You'll need to be available from 12-5pm on the day.

Planning meeting:
In order to help deliver the workshop we you will need to attend the planning meeting on the 15th of March at the William Morris Gallery where we will meet your chosen maker and help plan the workshop. The meeting will start at 16:00 and end at 18:00

You can sign up for both events via our Eventbrite listing here

Why get involved?

This new network of Londoners aged 16-25 brings together those who are passionate about craft and making to co-produce projects and events with us at the Crafts Council, and in doing so help shape the future of craft in the UK.

Come along if you love to make, or are just keen to find out more - all backgrounds and experience levels are welcome!

  • Join a new network of young people passionate about craft and making

  • Be involved in shaping our young people’s programme; work alongside staff and makers to co-produce programmes for other young people

  • Take part in creative workshops and meet and collaborate with professionals working in the craft and creative industries

  • Access opportunities, training and advice (including Arts Award)

  • Learn new skills and develop your CV

Can’t make it this time? There’s more to come!
We hold monthly get-togethers both at the Crafts Council in Angel and out and about at other venues. To find out more about our young people's programme and to be kept informed of all upcoming events, workshops and opportunities for young people, please email [email protected]


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