Interview with sustainable fashion designer Emi Tanimura

Award-winning fashion graduate Emi Tanimura discusses her graduate show, impending collection and pioneering sustainable, adaptable fashion. 

In the following podcast, you’ll hear the edited audio of Saskia’s live Instaview with award-winning sustainable fashion designer, Emi Tanimura, discussing her graduate show, impending collection and pioneering sustainable, adaptable fashion.

If you are looking for another podcast to listen to, the Contributors release the Voice Extra Podcast every Saturday, where they talk about the pieces they’ve produced and the culture they’ve been enjoying.

If you liked this podcast, please consider helping us make more with a donation of any amount at

Thanks to Kevin MacLeod for the use of the track Thief in the Night, you can find more of his work on

Elle Farrell-Kingsley was the producer. Tom Inniss was the executive producer.

You can find Emi and her designs on Instagram here.


Elle Farrell-Kingsley

Elle Farrell-Kingsley Contributor

Elle is an award-winning passionate advocate for youth policy, AI ethics, and interdisciplinary approaches. Recognised for reporting and researching emerging technologies and their impact, Elle has earned accolades such as the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics™ 2024, the TechWomen100 Award, and the Lord Blunkett Award at the University of Law. Using these tech insights, she's also a bestselling sci-fi author, having reached #2 in New Releases and #30 in Literary Short Stories Bestsellers. Her achievements have led to a funded place on the Sustainable Finance programme at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment University of Oxford, a Lord Blunkett scholarship covering her Legal Technology, AI and Cyberlaw studies, and a prestigious John Schofield Fellowship with a mentor from BBC World News, enhancing her skills in broadcast media. Her work spans impactful journalism, content curation for AI search engines, and advocating for informed policies in the UK Parliament.

With a humanities and social sciences background, she offers a unique perspective that encourages readers to explore the intersection of arts, technology, policy, and society.

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