Interview with Puddles Pity Party

In the run up to Voice's latest coverage of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, we have dozens of interviews with performers like Puddles the sad singing clown, who we'll be seeing up there.

Interview with Puddles Pity Party

Firstly, could you introduce yourself, and give a quick summary of your show?

My name is Puddles. I sing sad songs. The Puddles Pity Party show is about feelings and fellowship and dealing with life's doldrums. That could involve coffee, pie, a sing-along, a good cry or a Kevin Costner movie. Inspiration comes in many forms.

What is your earliest arts memory?

Spelling dirty words in my Alphabet soup. It was always fun to spell P-O-O-P on the spoon and say "Hey, MeeMaw! Watch me eat poop!"

What first encouraged you to become a performer?

My MeeMaw's attention (or lack thereof).

Do you remember your first professional performance, and how did it go?

Yes, I do. I put on a puppet show for my PaPa and his shrimp boat coworkers. It was cautionary tale of a squid and an Alaskan king crab that got married and fought all the time. PaPa thought that it was absurd but it was remarkably similar to his life. I was paid in shrimp cocktail.

What do you feel is the best thing about your job?

People wait in line to see me do things that my MeeMaw used to chastise me for. The bonding experience with the audience makes up for the things I couldn't get at home. It's really cathartic.

Conversely, what is the worst?

Aeroplane food! Am I right?

How do you decide whether or not a show has gone well?

I leave that decision to the audience. The festive Fringe-goers will really let you know if the show is going well or not.

If you could work with anybody, dead or alive, who would you choose to collaborate with?

I would give anything to work with Abraham Lincoln, dead or alive.

What made you want to come to Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is known the world over. It's a fabled festival of lore. All the greats have performed for the people here. It has a gravity that pulls me, whispering "If you build it, they will come". I can't resist its charms.

Is performing at EdFringe different from 'traditional' shows?

Definitely. It's like competing on MasterChef. You have 10 minutes to set up and 60 minutes to perform and then clear out for the next show. If you go overtime, it'll cost ya. And the judges. The place is teeming with judges.

If you could travel back in time and give 16 year-old you one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don't eat that!

What advice would you give to young people who want to enter the industry?

Follow your heart. Be honest. Don't be afraid to quit. People too often are told to never give up. But sometimes, you might have a dream that isn't working out. It's ok to abandon that dream and pursue a new dream. Sometimes, quitting takes guts and moving on to something new is worth it.

Do you have social media that our readers can follow you on?

I love the social meds! Let's be #FringeFriends!

facebook: puddlespityparty

twitter: puddlespityp

instagram: puddlespityparty

Where can people catch your show during EdFringe?

Assembly George Square Piccolo tent at 19:25.


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

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