Interview with Tiff Stevenson

In the run up to Voice's latest coverage of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, we have dozens of interviews with performers like comedian, writer and actor Tiff Stevenson, who we'll be seeing up there.

Interview with Tiff Stevenson

Firstly, could you introduce yourself, and give a quick summary of your show?

I'm Tiff Stevenson, my show is called Seven and it's about how we make huge international events all about us. I explain this by making it about me. I'm interesting see & I'm good at comedy.

What is your earliest arts memory?

I don't really know what that means. I danced for years as a kid so probably seeing the ballet at Sadler's Wells. I thought I might dance as a job at one point. Really I'm just a failed dancer, how funny is that? FUNNY

What first encouraged you to become a performer?

My aunt was an actress she was very beautiful when she was young and spent her later years wearing huge sunglasses with a tiny dog permanently stuck under her arm like a legend and I just thought THAT'S THE LIFE FOR ME

Do you remember your first professional performance, and how did it go?

It was on Crimewatch I was an excellent victim. Michelle Heaton from Liberty X was also on the same episode. Sorry for the name drop

What do you feel is the best thing about your job?

That people pay to listen to my ideas, I can have a thought at lunchtime and say it on stage in the evening. There is an immediacy to stand up that makes it great. Acting wise it's getting to collaborate with other great performers and seeing what you bring out in each other

Conversely, what is the worst?

Sleazy promoters or comics

How do you decide whether or not a show has gone well?

If they laughed or cried - I'll take either but that's just for stand up.

If I've said everything that I wanted to say in the right way then it's gone well

If you could work with anybody, dead or alive, who would you choose to collaborate with?

Maya Angelou to do a play. Stevie Nicks to do a musical, I'd call it 'The last golden straw' and George Carlin for a double act 'Tits & Teeth'

What made you want to come to Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

I've been coming to this fringe since 2006 so it's actually my 10 year anniversary. My first year I performed in the Stewart Lee helmed Talk Radio in the Udderbelly. So in 2006 it was really because I wanted to perform in a giant inflatable, upside down purple cow. Every young girl has a dream...that was mine. That and my own Garbage Pail Kid sticker. I got that sticker so I guess really I'm just very #blessed

Is performing at EdFringe different from 'traditional' shows?

Nope unless you like the 'traditional' things of good lighting, no sound bleed and your own dressing room

If you could travel back in time and give 16 year-old you one piece of advice, what would it be?

Hey 16 year old Tiff! When you are in your 30's people will relentlessly ask this question and should you probably start thinking of an answer now

What advice would you give to young people who want to enter the same industry?

Grow skin thicker than a rhinos arse, it's tough out there. Or make sure you have super loaded parents who will pay for everything, put you through drama school then get their friends to give you jobs

Do you have social media that our readers can follow you on?

Yep it's @tiffstevenson or my website I have a mailing list on there so if you like lists you'll enjoy that

Where can people catch your show during EdFringe?

Assembly Roxy 7.10pm


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

Voice is a magazine and platform for young creatives covering arts, culture, politics and technology. This account contains anonymous posts, information regarding the website and our events.

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