Gold EXPO special: Rachel Ward

Hear from our youngest Gold Expo artist - circus performer, Rachel Ward, who is still in the process of completing her Gold!

Gold EXPO special: Rachel Ward

What are you up to in your work at the moment, and what are you looking forward to?

I currently attend Blackpool Circus School my ambition is to do Circus Performing as a full time career in the near future. I'm studying my Gold Arts Award at my school with freelance artist Sam Simpson. I am looking forward to meeting and working with so many different people.

Take us through what you're doing for your Gold. How are you finding it?

I am currently still doing my Gold Arts Award, my chosen art form in circus skills which I will be hoping to do for my future career. My Arts Award has taken me to work with some amazing people and attend many inspiring events. It has also given me the chance to explore and learn new skills.

How are you hoping the Gold award will benefit you in the future?

I feel that the Gold arts award will benefit me in the future because it's such a big achievement. To show people the experience and all the hard work that goes into each unit is so much to be proud of. For me, having the qualification will benefit me because I myself want to work in the arts.

What can we expect from you at the Gold Expo?

I will be performing my Circus act. Don't miss this opportunity to see my jaw-dropping unicycle act. which includes loud music juggling, skipping and much more. Don't miss out!

Why do you think people should take up the Arts Award?

I think people should pursue it because it's such a fun qualification to do. It's also a very good certificate to have under your belt for the future. Each part of the Gold Arts Award requires you to do a certain task, you complete that in the chosen art form that you are interested in. This means you are interested in each task you are given. At the end you will have worked with some amazing people, had so much fun but most importantly gained experience and walked away with a fantastic qualification.


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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