Gold EXPO special: Moving Together

Here we bring you the first in our interview series, with our upcoming Gold EXPO artists. Moving Together is co-directed by Emily Bolton and Rachel Eke, and is based in Leicester.

Gold EXPO special: Moving Together

What are you up to in your work at the moment and what are you looking forward to?

Currently as an organisation we are delivering 19 projects to children, young people and over 55s within the East Midlands. This ranges from Arts Award focussed programmes to practical dance classes with older people. Our Arts Award programmes run across an academic year, so we are now coming to the end of our 2015/2016 cohort with moderations fast approaching! We are currently rehearsing for our end of year summer showcase which brings together all our school and community groups which will be at Curve Theatre in Leicester this year! We love this time of year at Moving Together HQ because participants are getting excited to perform their choreography, and we are able to look back at all the fantastic Artistic Challenge and Leadership Project achievements throughout the past year!

How has Gold Arts Award been helping the young people that you work with?

Our young people complete their Gold Arts Award in association with us as a company. We provide links to other arts organisations and higher education institutions who can support young people with their Gold journey. We provide practical dance opportunities for young people to develop their dance and choreography skills, as well as the support to complete the theoretical elements of the award in the best way possible.

How might the work that you are currently undertaking with Gold Arts Award benefit your young people in the future?

We hope that undertaking Gold gives participants the chance to develop their leadership and communication skills whilst exposing them to as many arts related opportunities as possible. They are encouraged to 'think big' with regards to their Artistic Challenge and their Leadership Projects, which in turn contributes towards their development as artists and young practitioners. Our direct link with De Montfort University allows our students to understand on a more practical level what courses can be studied at higher education, and how to enhance CVs!

What can we expect from you at the Gold Expo?

At the Gold Expo we will be bringing along a group of young people who are either currently studying towards their Gold or who have already achieved the qualification. We will be performing small snippets from the pieces we have created throughout the year, including contemporary, commercial and Bollywood styles! We will also be there to talk to organisations and young people about our specific Arts Award Gold journey and to provide support on how best to deliver the qualification.

What would you say the main reasons are for organisations to offer Gold?

At Moving Together we believe young people should undertake Gold for 3 main reasons; It provides a fantastic platform to gain a qualification in something you are passionate about, and most likely already engage in regularly. It opens your eyes to the wonderful world of the arts, not only on a practical level but a deeper theoretical insight into advanced practitioners, events, and issues. We believe it provides a stepping stone to Higher Education through the achievement of UCAS points which can be put towards university applications. (It looks extremely good on your CV/personal statement!!) We think it is a fabulous opportunity to develop your practical and theoretical skills, link with local, and national, arts organisations, socialise and work with others, and simply have fun. We love delivering these programmes as much as our young people enjoy taking part in them!


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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