Where Are They Now?...with Idriss Assoumanou

Idriss is a professional filmmaker and videographer getting commissions to create audio visual work for companies all over the world.

Where Are They Now?...with Idriss Assoumanou

What are you up to in your creative work at the moment?

Since I've completed my Gold I got into Birmingham City University to study Film Production and Technology. Since then I've been filmmaking and doing photography. I've had the opportunity work with other arts organisations who hire me to do commissions and create video and photo content for them, I've also had the opportunity to join the Arts Award Youth Network as a Voice reporter, writing articles and making videos.

Idriss on Vimeo

What are the highlights of your arts career to date?

Some of the highlights have been meeting and networking with industry professionals and as well as getting the chance to travel to different countries like Holland, Austria, even to France for the Cannes Film Festival as a guest.

What do you hope to be doing in five years time?

I hope to have made more films and win a few awards from different festivals around the world. But also I hope to keep travelling and doing more art related projects. I'm currently working towards running my own Arts Award project in the summer so hope to give the young people the same experience I had when I did mine.

How did you use your level of Arts Award to develop your creativity or skills?

Doing my Arts Award has helped me gain a more confidence and showed me it was possible to become an artist in my art form through hard work and patience. It's also made me realise how important leadership is in know what a leader does and being able to act as a leader through working with others and learning new things.

What advice would you give to young people doing Arts Award who want to follow in your footsteps?

I would tell young people to never stop, especially with film making, always research and practice your art form when you can and don't be afraid to express your ideas to others because that's the best way to gain feedback.

In what ways, if any, would you say doing your Gold Arts Award helped your creative development?

Doing Gold challenged me to think more about my artistry, the first unit is about your own artist development and the second unit is about you as a leading artist, so both unit concentrate on self-development and progress which is vital when it comes to working in the arts.

Can you show us/take us through what you did for your Gold portfolio?

I started out doing a lot of volunteering and working with professional artists which was all photographed and documented. I then created a short video to show my peers and held and hosted a showcase event. My folder was done in two parts. The first was a large folder with photos and documents and evidence of my work for each units the second was an online blog which had the entire written element in there. I did this because of my weakness in writing; I felt more confident writing a blog and linking it to the images and resources I collected in my folder.

Could you share with us any highlights you can remember from doing your Gold?

Meeting new people and making new friends.

What advice would you give young people doing their Golds now to help them get through it?

If you are really passionate about your art form and want to see whether you have the ability to make a career from it, then gold will help you develop the skills you need to do it in the real world.


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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