Tim Wright Workshop: Painting in the spirit of Turner

Learn to paint like JMW Turner in the unique setting of the home he designed for himself.

Tim Wright Workshop: Painting in the spirit of Turner

About this event

Starts: Thursday 7 June 2018 10:00 AM

Ends: Thursday 7 June 2018 4:00 PM

At: Turner's House, Sandycombe Lodge, 40 Sandycoombe Road

Organised by: Turner's House

This workshop will look at Turner’s method and materials, particularly his late use of watercolour, his approach to the motif in landscape and his handling of the medium and studio practice.

After some exercises in painting and composition in the morning, the group will have the afternoon to work on a painting which uses the house and its setting as subject.

The session should give an insight into Turner and some understanding of how his practice can be relevant and useful.

Tim Wright is a painter with long experience with teaching and lecturing. He was a painting consultant for Mike Leigh’s ‘Mr Turner’ film and taught the actor Timothy Spall to paint in preparation for his role as Turner.

Tickets £45 (Including materials and lunch)

Limited spaces available

Please book via our website www.turnershouse.org/booking 

Call us on 02088925485 or email [email protected] for more information.

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Rita Piglionica

Rita Piglionica

Activities and Interpretation Officer at Turner's House in Twickenham

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