London History Day - Sandycombe on the Home Front

Join us for London History Day 2018 as we explore the theme of 'courage' with a morning of activities and talks for the whole family. 

London History Day - Sandycombe on the Home Front

About this event

Starts: Thursday 31 May 2018 10:00 AM

Ends: Thursday 31 May 2018 1:00 PM

At: Turner's House, Sandycombe Lodge, 40 Sandycoombe Road

Organised by: Turner's House

Join us to travel through time, first learning about the impact of the Napoleonic wars on JMW Turner's Art and his time at Sandycombe Lodge, with the chance to make your own ship models inspired by the ones in the sitting room here at Turner's House. Then, fast forward to the Second World War as we remember the incredible work done by the women who worked at Sandycombe Lodge during WWII making airmen's goggles, and get stuck into a craft activity making your own goggles and fighter planes!

Activities are included in the regular admission price
Adults £6, Children under 15 £3 or family of 4 for £15

For more information, email us on [email protected] or call us on 02088925485

Bookings can be made via our website

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Rita Piglionica

Rita Piglionica

Activities and Interpretation Officer at Turner's House in Twickenham

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