Oh my god! 50s was by far my favourite look, it was very vintage and unique, it had an energy to it that the other dresses didn’t have as much and it just looked amazing..
We popped into an old vintage shop in Chatham and on the label it actually said “1950s dress” so I got extra lucky with it! Then we just put my hair in a high ponytail and tied some red ribbon around it, some red lipstick and a little scarf.. also you might notice in the video that my scarfs changed.. well I was wearing on and thought it was too bulky so I got a smaller one but I liked the shots more so I kept it in. 5/11
1959 fashion leadership project.
1950: Oh my god! 50s was by far my favourite look, it was very vintage and unique, it had an energy to it that the other dresses didn’t have as much and it just looked amazing...

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1959 fashion.