Sophia and Ruby dancing their duet

Inspiration for this dance was taken from Vicar of Dibley Mirror Dance, with Darcey Bussell and Dawn French

Sophia and Ruby dancing their duet

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Oscar Bunting

Oscar Bunting

Hi, I’m Oscar Bunting. I’m a filmmaker, entrepreneur, and creative.

What is my main art form and specialism within this art form:
The main art form I specialise in is film, I’m looking to expand into more aspects of “film” in the form of also working in TV. I look forward to working on a variety of projects, ranging from short films, documentaries and feature films.

What have I done so far?
I’ve always been intrigued by film, even from a young age. From making stop-motion films with the first camera I ever got, to filming friends who are highly skilled in their field. It’s just something I love doing.

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  • Carol Leach

    On 13 June 2018, 06:37 Carol Leach commented:

    hi, this video shows that you have vastly improved your ability to frame shots. Well done for that - mission accomplished! But I think that your background could have been better, for example you had cleared up the room a bit. If this was a copy of the 'Vicar of Dibley' episode then perhaps you could have been more true to the film and cleared a wall and provided these lovely girls with a 'stage'.

  • Oscar Bunting

    On 13 June 2018, 10:22 Oscar Bunting commented:

    Thank you for your comments, Carol. I completely agree with you. The room was much clearer than it originally was, but still not clear enough. We had booked a slot in a studio to make the film, but unfortunately, Sophia's brother was unwell and they were not able to make it to the hall, in time for us to film there. We had to come up with a plan B instead.

  • Luke Taylor

    On 13 June 2018, 10:39 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Great stuff, Oscar!

  • Abi Rose Leach

    On 13 June 2018, 16:38 Abi Rose Leach commented:

    the film was adversely affected by the room, but under these circumstances, it's great that you created the film at all and I am impressed with your ability to adapt to different circumstances and still create a great film.

  • Oscar Bunting

    On 13 June 2018, 17:13 Oscar Bunting commented:

    Thank you for your kind comments Luke and Abi Rose

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