Through The Viewfinder Photography

The sweet spot between digital and analog.

Through The Viewfinder (TTV) photography is a technique where a digital camera is used to shoot through the lens of an older TLR (Twin-lens Reflex Camera). The resulting image has a vintage feel to it, caused by distortion, vignetting and dust on the lens. The effect can also be achieved by digital filters, but the majority of the time they won't produce equally realistic results.

To take these photos, I used two cameras: a Sony a290 DSLR and a 1930s Voitländer Brillant medium-format TLR. I connected the lens of the DSLR to the TLRs viewfinder with a cardboard tube. The setup is easy to achieve, provided you have two cameras.

The gallery contains photos from three trips I made. I went to two local parks and a field just outside town. The effect is very satisfying, and gives my photos an old-school feel.

[ you can find an image of my camera setup at the end of the gallery ]


Olaf Szczodry

Olaf Szczodry

Hi. My name is Olaf, I'm 15 and I'm doing my Silver Arts Award. My primary interests are computers, photography and design, music, politics, and linguistics. I play the piano and the ukulele.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 18 December 2017, 10:50 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    This is absolutely amazing Olaf!!

  • Urszula Mensaert

    On 21 December 2017, 21:39 Urszula Mensaert commented:

    Olaf!, you are very talented, your art is original, unique, fantastic!!!!!
    Im proud of YOU!!!!

  • Tom Inniss

    On 2 January 2018, 13:46 Tom Inniss Voice Team commented:

    Hey Olaf, I wanted to comment and say thank you so much for posting these pictures on Voice. Every month I write an internal report where I pick out a favourite post from a user and I wanted to let you know that this month I picked this one!

    Keep up the great work, and I look forward to seeing more of your stuff!

  • Olaf Szczodry

    On 3 January 2018, 18:52 Olaf Szczodry commented:

    Thank you for everyone's nice comments. Thank you so much Tom for picking my post out of all the others posted in December. I feel honoured and can't wait to read your report.

  • mariola sroka

    On 10 January 2018, 22:02 mariola sroka commented:

    Hi Olaf!
    Very unusual and interesting
    I really like them.
    Keep working.

  • Iwona Magpie

    On 10 January 2018, 22:27 Iwona Magpie commented:

    Dear Olaf!
    I want to say that this is an amazing photo. I must say that both passion and commitment are showing an outstanding pice of work. I would be pleased to see more vintage like photos.

  • Jaakko Harakka

    On 11 January 2018, 00:59 Jaakko Harakka commented:

    Hi Olaf, Really nice effect you have got here! I do like the idea of connection between analog and digital and hope we will be able to see more of your work in the future.

  • Rob Parker-Norman

    On 11 January 2018, 07:26 Rob Parker-Norman commented:

    Nice work. It's an interesting idea and I think a unique approach. In many ways the photos are flawed but those flaws are endearing and enhance the image.

  • Rich Grocholski

    On 11 January 2018, 21:29 Rich Grocholski commented:

    The images are surreal. They convey a very abstract yet realistic view of our daily surroundings. The technique is unique and the result is mesmerizing.

  • Jen  Farrant

    On 17 January 2018, 11:16 Jen Farrant Staff commented:

    this is really interesting - I'd not heard of this technique!

  • Julie Stevenson

    On 23 January 2018, 18:30 Julie Stevenson commented:

    I absolutely love this work. It is very original and creative. I'm going to have a go at this myself.

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