11 December 2015
Gold Inspiration Podcast
Want to go for Gold? This podcast will certainly help!
Hello, podcast lovers! It has been a long time but we are back once more, and this time we are talking about how to achieve Gold Arts Award.
23 November 2015
Top tip 8: Is that my reflection?
Tip: Make a plan, keep a diary, review on video, think. It's what Arts Award's about (as well as art). Enjoy watching Dom working out his strengths and weaknesses!
23 November 2015
Top tip 6: My beautiful portfolio
This is where you show off your wonderful work so get it going it from the off. Document everything as you go – or you'll miss out best bits! Your portfolio may come in handy for college or job interviews, so make sure you're proud! Take a look at Tom's Gold portfolio or Dan's Gold Blog or Corina's Bronze work experience blog.
23 November 2015
Top tip 4: Remember the backstage boys (and girls)
Check out the guys behind the art – techies, curators, website designers, marketeers…interesting work. Kolby thought so too – read his Gold opinion piece.
23 November 2015
Top tip 3: Artists are wonderful
Find them, talk to them, work with them - get inspired across the arts. Great place to start is reading Voice interviews …and you'll find some artists already love Arts Award, check poet Holly McNIsh
23 November 2015
Top tip 2: KISS
Keep It Simple Stupid! Challenge yourself to do one creative thing - don't make life too complicated. Check out Voice's How to guides for straight-talking help.
19 November 2015
What goes on at? Takeover Day
Takeover Day was set up by Kids in Museums to allow children the chance to experience 'meaningful roles, working alongside staff and volunteers to participate in the life of the museum'. Takeover Day 2015 is happening tomorrow, with arts institutions and platforms across the UK allowing over 5000 kids to get behind the wheel. We caught up with Project Administrator, Mikaela Webb to find out more.
6 November 2015
Sitting on the Access Fund Panel
This week I was given the opportunity to represent the Youth Network and sit on the panel to make decisions on applications for an Access Fund through Arts Award.
5 November 2015
Get Gold and be a Creative Enterprise
We're approaching the time when many students have left school or university, who may not have yet made plans or found a job. What do they do?
5 November 2015
Get Gold - a blog by Emrys
A new blog by Arts Award Youth Network Project Manager, Emrys Green, sharing insights and ideas from his experience of doing and advising on Arts Award. Informal ramblings designed to give some useful information about how you can achieve your own Gold Arts Award.
5 November 2015
Get Gold with the Arts Award Youth Network
If you read my first post, then you'll known that I have the privilege of managing the Arts Award Youth Network. We run events and activities to support young people interested in the arts and Arts Award.
5 November 2015
Get Gold with a difference
Gold is about preparing you for the creative industries - in a way A levels don't often do (in my opinion). Keeping a broad cultural experience is exciting.
5 November 2015
Get Gold by reaching out
Outreach programmes and 'making art accessible' are not about belittling it, relying on 'amateur' work, or squeezing it into strange places.
13 October 2015
Why we need to bring the Lush ‘Go Naked’ advert back
Cosmetic company Lush's new adverts have been labelled pornographic and banned in Australia, but body positive campaigns like this are exactly what we need.
12 October 2015
Get Gold with Arts Award's 10th Birthday
I'm taking a slightly new slant this month. Partly because I've been terrible over the summer and ashamedly got out of the habit of my regular blogging. But I hope that this blog becomes a useful resource for our exciting new Gold Hub - a dedicated collection of resources and support on Voice to help you complete your Gold Arts Award - so I'm going to improve the regularity.
12 October 2015
Competition Brief: SSF reviewing on Arts Award Voice
Starting today, primary, secondary and sixth form students are being given the chance to enter reviews of Shakespeare School Festival (SSF) performances to a special competition on Voice!
1 October 2015
10 tips for getting going with Arts Award
It's Start Your Arts Award Day! Here are our top tips for getting going with Arts Award...
24 September 2015
My Morning With Lenny!
Sitting on a panel alongside a member of the Casting Directors Guild, a famous actor/comedian, and a freelance director, is not a bad way to start your Saturday.