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29 January 2020
Veganuary round-up!
We’re already nearing the end of January 2020! I tried my hand at Veganuary this year - here’s some of my highlights of this month…
23 January 2020
I'm in New York (again)!
It's been a while my dudes! But I'm back in the studio...
15 January 2020
Things To Expect From Me In 2020!
It's January 2020, happy new year! As 2020 is now in full swing this has given me some time to plan what is going to happen for me within music throughout the remainder of the year. Here is what to expect.
2 January 2020
Looking forward, looking back: Happy new year!
The 1st January is always a special day for me. I like to wake up early (no matter the hangover!) and go on a walk to clear my head. It’s a day of resetting and setting intentions, and I like to treat it as the beginning of my January detox!
19 December 2019
My Heroines: Emma Watson
Welcome to the first blog in my new series about women who have inspired me!
10 December 2019
It's finally December!
It’s finally December! My favourite time of year is here which means it’s time to take a break from songwriting and rehearsals and spend this time with the people who matter the most.
6 November 2019
Let your light shine :)
Cosy season is here! I’ve always loved the winter months & with Diwali, Chanukah & Christmas all round the corner I wanted to talk about how much I love this time of year
17 October 2019
Scarily Good Things To Do In The Run Up To Halloween
As spooky season rolls around for another year, the thought of Halloween has really got me in the Autumnal spirit. Here is my list of scarily good things to do in the run-up to Halloween 2019.
25 September 2019
The Celebration Of Birthdays Throughout Different Cultures And Countries
As it is coming up to my very own birthday, I thought I’d explore the tradition of birthdays and how different cultures celebrate them throughout our diverse array of countries that inhabit the world.
18 September 2019
A Round-Up Of My Favourite Music Festivals Of 2019
As festival season is coming to a swift close for another year in the music calendar, I thought I’d share a few of my favourite festivals from over the Summer of 2019.
1 July 2019
My Top Recommendations in Honolulu
It had been far too long since my last holiday, and so I decided to leave hot London (and the hell that is the tube in the summer…) and head to Hawaii!
31 May 2019
My Top Four Festivals
With festival season right around the corner I thought I’d sit down and tell you all about some of my particular favourites!
30 April 2019
My Top Five Holiday Destinations
It’ll come to no surprise to those that know me that I love travelling.. I thought I would talk about my favourite five travel destinations in case any of you were looking for holiday inspiration...
15 April 2019
My Favourite Things to Do in London This Spring
Now that spring has, well, sprung, I’m reminded of how much I love London in the warmer seasons. With its array of gorgeous green spaces and alfresco dining spots galore you just can’t go wrong. I thought I would share with you my favourite things to do in and around London as the sun makes its dramatic reappearance after a long dark winter...
25 February 2019
My experiences of Iceland? Cold, windy, but life-affirming...
This New Year I was lucky enough to be able to visit Iceland with a group of my friends and it was the most breathtaking trip I’ve ever been on. Each day was so jam packed that I could talk for hours about it and I wanted to sit down and fill you all in on what I got up to!
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