Film Workshop Review

I attended a film workshop. 

Film Workshop Review

The workshop was about creating a series of interviews with the other attendees, where we took turns in interviewing, being the interviewee and working on set up and filming.

I chose this workshop because I wanted to learn more about the work being put into filming, especially since it’s similar to the arts award topic I am doing (photography).

The event was taught by a GCSE student, who was doing this as a part of his leadership project.

By the end of the workshop, I had learnt more about taking videos on a DSLR camera.

Altogether, I enjoyed the workshop, it very interesting to learn more about the process being put towards filming.


Mia M

Mia M

I would be very grateful if you would review my posts, as it can help with my arts award!

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  • Amy Roberts

    On 7 April 2019, 17:32 Amy Roberts commented:

    Wow, seems fun.

  • sasha murray

    On 7 April 2019, 17:46 sasha murray commented:

    This was very fun! I liked the popcorn at the end lol

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