sugarcraft demonstrations review

this review is about when I went to the east Anglian day of demonstration at Ely collage

sugarcraft demonstrations review

What was the title of the exhibition/show?

It was called the East Anglian day of demonstration at Ely college 

Why did you choose to attend this exhibition/show?

Because I thought it would be quite inspiring 

Who were the artists and what do they create?

Natasha Collins was there demonstrating painting on cakes, Glenda price was demonstrating flower arranging and Linda Garnham was making pastillage boxes 

What did you see?

I saw demos from all of the above 

Natasha Collins  showed in detail how to paint a rose, a hyacinth and filler flowers on a cake

Glenda Price was showing us how to arrange flowers in a crescent and waterfall shape 

Linda Garnham demonstrated how to make and stick pastillage boxes together,

There was also a sugarcraft exhibition from various clubs and some stalls.

What were your first impressions?

I thought it was really well done and very inspiring,  but the website was a bit misleading because it was making out that it was a workshop when it really a demonstration so I was a bit confused but overall a good day.

Did you find anything particularly interesting to your personally?

I thought the painting on cakes by Natasha Collins was the most interesting 

What did you learn which will help you to achieve your challenge?

At the ely day they taught us little tips and tricks that I think will help me on this journey, such as using corn flour instead of icing sugar when rolling out fondant and using ganache instead of buttercream  because it sets harder.

Did you enjoy the experience overall? Why?

I really enjoy the whole day because it was so interesting learning about artists and what they do.

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Isobel Fairs

Isobel Fairs

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  • eve wolstenholme

    On 27 November 2018, 12:16 eve wolstenholme commented:

    It sounds like you had a good time and that learned some new things.

  • Grace Wolstenholme

    On 27 November 2018, 12:21 Grace Wolstenholme commented:

    I like how you put that the people demonstrated different things.

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