Annie The Musical

Review Annie

Annie The Musical

The opening scene in the orphanage bedroom was very energetic and lively. When the children burst onto the scene singing and dancing and jumping on the beds it felt very exciting. I enjoyed the opening scene it was a good opening to the show and was created in an amazing way.

What magnificent costumes the children wore including Annie looked great, very ragged clothes in the first half representing the poverty that the children lived in. In the second half of the show Annie is fostered and the costume changes showed how people with money could dress much nicer, Mr Warburton made sure that not only Annie but all of the children from the orphanage were gifted nice clothes, Mr Warburtons suit was clean and well tailored indicating his wealth.

The music was fantastic and really stands out looking back at the performance. I loved listening to the music and I thought the songs were some of the best parts of the show.

I thought the performance was amazing the young cast and the professionals did an amazing job every scene was perfectly done, The Actors portraying Annie and Mr Warburton were the best in my opinion.

This was an amazing show a rollercoaster of emotions, from feeling sorrow to joy. 4.5/5 from me!!!!!

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  • James Campbell-Radford

    On 18 June 2024, 11:29 James Campbell-Radford commented:

    I loved this show and how many emotions change from a little sad in the opening scenes to being really happy for Annie and the other Orphans when Mr Warburton helped them.

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