Macbeth review

Here is my review of Macbeth that I have done for my golds arts award project :

Macbeth review


Going into Macbeth I was expecting plenty of political drama and lots of scenes about witches. There was definitely lots of drama to do with politics and power. Macbeth seems the cause of much death through his political status and power.  There were lots of scenes depicting the prophecies of witches.

The set on the stage was very good with having rain falling down the back but not running onto the stage giving it very real feeling in the background. It was also very interesting how the actors and actresses would come onto the stage down the aisles by the audience most of the time which helped to make the audience feel I erased into the play. This also gave people a close look at their costumes which were very detailed and had blood stains on them. The actors and actresses were very talented and we're very good at causing tension, panic, and fear in the scenes. Although I had done research on Macbeth prior to seeing it this storyline still confused me as the characters sometimes played multiple roles and never clearly addressed themselves or others. I could tell who Macbeth and lady Macbeth were, but it took a while to work out who the rest of the cast members were playing. I found the play a little bit scary which I wasn't expecting, the witches were wearing very earthy and creepy costumes and were born through the stage floor at the start in a very strange way involving lots of screaming. Part way through the play a woman came on the stage to lighten the mood and tell some jokes, this was my favourite part, because it was funny and the the show was begging  to drag on as we were already 2 hours through it . She made jokes about the different schools that attended and reference to well known actors and shows as well as trends which caught people attention.

Overall, I would recommend this two people to go and see however I think it would best suit an older audience as I feel this is not a very easy understandable play to go and watch with scenes that I don't think a suitable for younger children.

Header Image Credit: Isabella Reeds

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Isabella Reeds

Isabella Reeds

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