Research on Sik world

I listened to Sik worlds  music on spotify and youtube and i learnt to play some of his songs and then i made a power point about sik world and his musical career i shared my powerpoint with my music class 

Research on Sik world

Why do I like him ? 

  • I like Sik world because he is a friend of my family and he inspires people to become musicians. 

  • He inspires me because of the way he arranges his music. He uses DJ apps, mixers and tracks from other artists and arranges them to fit with his raps and songs. 

  •  He inspires me to want to sing and learn his music. 

  •  In his music, Sik world talks about himself and his life experiences. I find it interesting listening to his life story. I also like his music because it is often upbeat. 

  • I have listened to Sik worlds music for about three years. He is a rapper/vocalist. Sik World writes passionate and intense raps that connect to his large social media fan base through raw, introspective lyrics. Among many other topics, Sik world has spoken openly about struggles with mental health on his 2017 EP Still Lost. 

Sik world- why he made the song “Drowning”. 

  • The song is about him and his love with the love of life that did not happen so he sang a song about it to reminded him about his life 

How did I research their arts practice, career life and work? 
I learnt to sing some of Sik worlds' songs by singing along to youtube.  

  • I also had a go at fitting drum rhythms to some of his music. I practiced singing and playing the drums along to Sik worlds music during music lessons at school. I have sung several years to another student and my arts award advisor. 

  • I have watched lots of youtube videos of his music including Still lost. 

  • Sik World - Still Lost (Official Music Video) - YouTube 

  • From listening to his music I have found out that he talks about himself, his passion and his feelings and I like that he does this. 

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theo booth

theo booth

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