Where are they now? with Zach Waddington

Find out what Zach Waddington has been up to since completing their Silver Arts Award, including learning about creative producing with the National Theatre and their rising aspirations to be artistic director of their own theatre company. 

Where are you up to in your creative work at the moment? 

I am currently finishing my acting course at LIPA Sixth Form College where I spent 2 years completing my UAL extended diploma. Being at LIPA has given me many opportunities by working with companies and artists like Told by an Idiot, Ugly Bucket Theatre and Peter Capaldi. 

Alongside this I am doing lots of behind the scenes work from playwriting, stage management, directing and producing. I have even worked professionally with the theatre company Action Transport Theatre as an assistant director to their summer school and as a member of stage crew in their touring show Nothing Ever Happens Here.  

In September I am going to Rose Bruford on the Theatre for Social Change BA Hons course! A completely new course which I am very excited to be a part of! 

What are the highlights of your creative career to date?

I have two major highlights of my creative career.

The first being my role as Fat Sam in Bugsy Malone which made me realise exactly what type of theatre I enjoyed performing! I love playing roles which involve talking to an audience, a big character and lots of moments to make people laugh! I wonder where that would take me in the future...

The second is my week course in London with the National Theatre learning all about creative producing with some of the most amazing and talented producers I have ever heard of! It was a huge highlight for lots of reasons but it was also my first time without my parents in London. I will always be proud of myself by navigating that big city by myself!  

What do you hope to be doing in 5 years time?

I hope to be creating my own shows about my identity as a transgender male. Something that I have already started in LIPA but would love to bring it to fringes and small professional venues. As well as this, I want to be the artistic director of my own theatre company which specifically produces work for young people in the LGBTQ+ community. Something which is very important to me.  

Which Level of Arts Award did you do, and how did it develop your creativity or skills?

I did my Silver Arts Award focussing on playwriting where I created my first play about a group of young LGBTQ+ people. The first time I did the thing that will drive me to still create work long after I completed the Arts Award. To create this play I did a workshop with a LGBTQ+ youth group in Manchester. This gave me so many skills in leading groups of people who I have never met before and having the passion and commitment to go out there and get my (and their) voice heard! This has led me to helping out at drama workshops and rehearsals where I can in my area. 

Would you say that Arts Award helped you to get where you are today? If So, How?

Definitely! As mentioned above, Arts Award is where I started doing the work that really mattered to me. It was a brilliant place to boost my confidence and ability to network and connect with many different artists and community workers. It is also a brilliant thing to put on your CV as it shows leadership and creativity to the max! It has definitely helped me get to college and university as it just gives me so much to talk about!

What advice would you give to young people doing Arts Award who want to follow in your footsteps? 

Don't be afraid to make the leap and do something you never thought of doing! It may be one of the best decisions you have ever made! Never give up, reach for the stars and remember passion, commitment and a little bit of luck goes a long way in this industry!

Where can people find out more about your work? 

I have a website where you can see my photos and view my CV's at Zach Waddington

 I have a YouTube account where I post videos about my Transgender Journey and My Theatre Experiences: 

For frequent updates, you can follow my Instagram account Zach_Waddington. 

Read more interviews with Arts Award alumi. If you've recently finished your Arts Award and want to let us know what you're up to, drop Nici the Arts Editor an email


Nici West

Nici West Voice Team

Nici is the an editor for Voice. She loves all things books, theatre, music, art, visiting other countries, anything creative, and sometimes attempts to make YouTube videos. Alongside Voice she writes and edits through her own pursuits.You can occasionally find her running marathons dressed as a black dog.

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