Webinar: How to build a campaign in the Performing Arts

Your creativity has the power to make an impact on our Ocean. Create a legacy. Work for good. The Ocean needs our help.

Our Deep Currents workshop has been built to help young people aged 16-25 understand more about themselves and our Ocean.

Webinar: How to build a campaign in the Performing Arts

About this event

Starts: Thursday 28 September 2023 6:00 PM

Ends: Thursday 28 September 2023 7:15 PM

Organised by: Ocean Generation

What does this workshop involve?

  • Deep dive into Pollution as one of the 5 Ocean Threats and be introduced to our framework that allows you to focus your effort and energy in an Ocean Intelligent way, and how this relates to the performing arts industry.
  • Understand and engage in all the ways we can combat Pollution in our Ocean - pollution that comes from festivals, events and performances. 
  • Unpack how you can turn a great idea into a Campaign, or how to make positive change within your own performing arts organisation. 
  • Develop the building blocks of a Campaign to create Ocean Positive Action. 

To book, please go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/og-deep-currents-workshop-how-to-build-a-campaign-in-the-performing-arts-tickets-665129800137?aff=oddtdtcreator


Ocean Generation

Ocean Generation

Ocean Generation is an ocean-focused NGO which is on a mission to empower an inclusive global movement to tackle Ocean threats through science and storytelling. 

Our Wavemaker programme is aimed at 16-25 year olds and aims to empower them to make a difference to our Ocean using their own skills and values. We offer workshops focused on how those in the creative industries can do this. 

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