Orla Mulrooney | TrinityTalent 2019

Orla is celebrated by Trinity for Creativity in Arts Award.

Orla was nominated by her teacher for her creativity shown with fashion design for her Gold Arts Award. They said 'Orla organised a Fashion Show event to display her collection and this engaged many of the sixth form who participated and gave their support. Orla is currently doing a Textiles Design Foundation course and was able to access this course because she was able to take her Arts Award portfolio of work as evidence.'

In what ways would you say your Arts Award has influenced your artistic achievement, creativity, leadership or progress? 

The Arts Award qualification has influenced my artistic creativity as it encouraged me to experiment and discover new skills, this meant I was able to create new and authentic work. I became more confident in my ideas and in the making of them. With my cohort of Arts Award we created a Fashion Show and Gallery Event, this pushed us to make work that would be worth showing and we learnt how to organise and lead an event.

How has participating in an Arts Award impacted your artistic skills or career development?

The Arts Award qualification impacted my artistic skills as I completed different forms of work experience for example; I did work experience with a seamstress where I learnt how to correctly use a sewing machine and follow and cut a pattern, how to make a toile then to effectively make garments. I learnt new skills which helped me complete a collection of garments and I will always have those skills and hopefully I can eventually become an expert in tailoring and designing. I was also able to teach these skills to others in my group by demonstrating what I had learnt.

What's next for you?

My next steps following the Arts Award qualification is to complete my Arts Foundation course. I was able to join the Foundation course because I had my Arts Award portfolio as evidence of my artwork and fashion experience. I have applied to University to study a Fashion degree. I have built a portfolio and have electronically submitted my work and am currently waiting for an offer fingers!

What are your career aims? 

In an ideal world my career would result in me working my way up to become a head designer at a high-end fashion house. I believe in sustainable fashion and creating this to show people it is possible would be my dream job. 

Have you got any advice for other young people working towards an Arts Award?

My advice for others completing the Arts Award qualification would be to complete essays on time, work on your designs and don’t be afraid to experiment. Also complete the arts issue essay on a topic that you are actually interested in because you will enjoy writing about it and actually gain useful knowledge from the research. My arts issue essay impacted on the fashion that I created as I researched sustainability and the impact the fashion industry has on our planet. I gained confidence on this course and I would say to others to believe in yourself and be proud of what you make or design. Also support each other, your friends or peers on the course. Making and doing our final event together was a brilliant experience as it made our designs come to life.

Read more about the talented young people selected to be featured as part of the TrinityTalent Class of 2019


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

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