Lucy Carmichael | TrinityTalent 2019

Lucy is celebrated by Trinity for Artistic Achievement in her Arts Award.

Lucy Carmichael | TrinityTalent 2019

Lucy was nominated by her Arts Award Adviser from Laing Art Gallery. They said that Lucy's 'talent is fantastic, spanning from different art forms, to literary arts that she has looked in to. Her Gold portfolio was amazing, it was organised, well informed, neat, presented beautifully and had so much thought and care put into it. Lucy was not afraid to reach out to her favourite authors and artists to question them and gain information for her studies, she conducted focus groups and online forums to gather her information.'

'Her progress throughout her Arts Award journey really shows throughout her work, as she gains more confidence and does not let her health get in the way. She is a hard worker and is passionate about each project she takes part in - even hosting her own exhibition in her local town.'

In what ways would you say your Trinity or Arts Award qualification has influenced your artistic achievement? 

I feel more confident in my own artistic ability since completing my Gold Arts Award.  I am more willing to try different types of art such as drawing and greeting card designs that I don’t think I would done, or have had as much confidence in, before. I have also learned a lot about leadership as I had to lead a small team for my Arts Award.

How has participating in an Arts Award impacted your artistic skills or career development?

My Gold Arts Award has given me more confidence in my ability to communicate with people generally. It has improved my organisational skills which will help my future academic work. I had to do a lot of computer work with my Arts Award so I now feel more proficient in computer software such as PowerPoint, which could help me in future jobs. I have always enjoyed reviewing books and the experience of reviewing different art events within my Arts Award has helped me improve my reviewing skills

What's next for you?

I am continuing to work towards my GCSE exams. I am also hoping to take part in my local sewing group and local girl guiding group as a volunteer.  I still love taking photographs of my local area in my spare time.  

What are your career aims?

I would like to work in many different areas to broaden my experience.  I’d like to work within the library system and also to train as a teacher.  The Arts Award has shown me that I would like to bring art to young people in the classroom.  I also enjoy gardening and I would like to work in horticulture and possibly garden design. 

Have you got any advice for other young people working towards an Arts Award qualifications?

If you are doing an Arts Award I think it is a good idea to have lots of different types of evidence, like leaflets, tickets, print outs of emails etc. Also I would say to take lots of photos and videos of yourself next to places you visit to further show evidence.

Don’t be put off or swayed by seeing other people’s Arts Awards or qualifications, you need to follow your own ideas through and do what’s right for you.  

Be brave, contact well known people in your chosen field. If you do do this, then give them easy questions to respond to as you are more likely to get a response like that.

Keep in touch with your Arts Award moderator; they can guide you along the way.

Read more about the talented young people selected to be featured as part of the TrinityTalent Class of 2019


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

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