Harrison Marks, Discover achiever

The latest young person to break down their Arts Award experience is the Discover done by Year 1 student, Harrison Marks from Abbey Catholic Primary with some help from Mrs. Howard.

Harrison Marks, Discover achiever

I took part in Discover Arts Award as an after-school club in Year 1. We research the artist Kandinsky, his style of art, drawings and paintings, his interest in classical music and how emotions affected what and how he painted.

We also looked at different sculptures and from this created our own 3D paper sculptures.

As a group, we shared our finished artwork with school friends, parents and family.

I used an A3 Arts Award Discover portfolio book to display information about Kandinsky, photographs of my work and write ups on my feeling throughout the sessions.

What did you enjoy most?

I enjoyed using lots of bright colours to make my painting in the style of Kandinsky and also listening to classical music while we worked.

Learning different paper techniques to making 3D paper sculptures was exciting and something I hadn't done before.

What was challenging?

Nothing, I enjoyed trying everything and just doing my best.

What events did you go to?

We visited the National Space Centre.

What did you create?

After the Space Centre I made my own rocket.

Who gave you the most help and inspiration?

My Arts Award teacher – Mrs. Howard and my friends in the class with me.


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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  • E M

    On 1 August 2018, 10:40 E M commented:

    Wow. That sounds so cool! I wish I was there.

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