Lola Sears | TrinityTalent 2021

TrinityTalent celebrates Arts Award achiever Lola for Creative Flair. 

Lola Sears | TrinityTalent 2021

15-year-old Lola was nominated for TrinityTalent Class of 2021 for Creative Flair. She achieved Bronze Arts Award at Colchester High School. Throughout her Arts Award Lola explored a variety of mediums including written reflections, photography and video work, expanding her creative skills. Lola developed her knowledge of digital art through the use of Minecraft for Education, collaborating, designing and building an area that looked at the UN sustainable development goal of health and wellbeing. She also made a video demonstrating a Kung-Fu routine on Flipgrid. 

Lola was nominated by her Arts Award adviser and Head of Music at Colchester High School, Mercedes Romero-Fernández, who said:“Lola is a talented artist and incredibly humble about her skill-set. The journey of taking this qualification has really enabled Lola to express her creativity and progress further. She has come out of her shell in many aspects of her life. The creative design of her digital portfolio is of a professional standard, with many examples using a range of media including well written thoughtful reflections, photo evidence of her work and video content

The TrinityTalent Panel said: “We see bundles of Creative Flair in Lola’s nomination, and were particularly impressed with how inventive she was in her use of Minecraft.”

How do you feel about being selected to be part of TrinityTalent Class of 2021 and being recognised in this way?


How do you feel you have developed creatively and artistically in 2021?

I believe I have really developed well. 

What impact did your Arts Award achievement have on your artistic development?

My Bronze Arts Award had a big impact on my artistic development. At the start of the project my aim was to get better at Minecraft because it’s mostly designing and that’s a really useful skill to have; it encourages imagination and creativity. When I started building in Minecraft it was fairly new to me, so I needed to challenge myself to make more complicated builds and advance my skills.

Has taking part in an Arts Award helped you to develop wider skills, such as communication skills, creativity or confidence?

I have been actively involved in the school diversity and equality panel. I represented the panel by recording an informative assembly based around gender and sexual orientation, which demonstrates how much personal progression and confidence I’ve has gained throughout this journey.

What are the next steps for you artistically and creatively in 2022?

To continue to develop my creative skills. I am currently studying GCSE Art and I want to follow my passion for photography and develop my skills further by combining photography with drawing. I have also signed myself up for an online photography course.

What are your longer term aims, for example for your future studies or work?

I aim to continue to work hard in my studies in the future. I also hope to make really beautiful pieces of artwork some day as it would really help me in whatever I want to do later in life.

Have you got any advice for other young people working towards Arts Award?

Do your best!

Read more about the talented young people selected to be featured as part of the TrinityTalent Class of 2021.


Trinity Talent

Trinity Talent

TrinityTalent celebrates talented young people achieving Trinity’s music, drama and Arts Award qualifications in the UK.

Teachers and students can nominate young artists aged 13-25 who have shown excellence in one of the following categories during 2021: CREATIVE FLAIR | PROGRESS | LEADERSHIP

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