Improvisation with Jan from Stratford Royal Theatre

Learning Improvisation in drama class.

Improvisation with Jan from Stratford Royal Theatre

We learn the new drama skills like look, listen and respond. We also making our own play on an island with the skills we use and doing this without Jane. I like how we get to plan our own play with improvisation for example a boat scene. However Improvisation is not my favourite topic of this workshop due to timing like looked, listen and respond, but at least it a good way to learn to communicate and doing teamwork in the future. 


Jason Lam

Jason Lam

I doing this as part of my art awards.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 9 March 2018, 11:08 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Could you add more to this? What did you like about this? What didn't you like? What will could you do with the skills in the future?

  • Jason Lam

    On 13 March 2018, 20:30 Jason Lam commented:

    Just added a few things about communicate and doing teamwork but the problem is it can be hard to do what the person action is.

  • Larry Simmons

    On 17 May 2018, 14:13 Larry Simmons commented:

    what day was it? Seems, interesting.

  • Jason Lam

    On 17 May 2018, 14:53 Jason Lam commented:

    I believe it either January or March. Sorry i don't remember the day.

  • Jason Lam

    On 17 May 2018, 14:56 Jason Lam commented:

    Alright it the 4th of January that we did it.

  • Francoise Moore

    On 17 May 2018, 16:38 Francoise Moore commented:

    Well done for being positive about it when it is not your favourite topic!

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