International Garden Photographer of the Year Exhibition

I attended an outdoor exhibition at the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens. There was a collection of images, all focused on outdoors, and they were absolutely stunning.

When I first found the outdoor exhibition I was taken aback by the amazing standard of photographs that were being presented to me. The quality of the images was incredible and just looking at them made me want to rival them with my own photographs. After seeing all of the photos I was in awe of the work that the artists had created, the time they must have spent getting these images and the editing process they must have gone through for the beautiful final results. 

During my time at the exhibition I was reminded of my own photography work during my GCSE’s. I had missed being able to express my creativity and seeing this collection of images made me long to start creating my own work again. This trip really inspired me to renew my love and passion for the subject and even got me thinking about exhibiting my own photographs one day.


Abbie Thomson

Abbie Thomson

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  • Tracie Thomson

    On 28 June 2022, 14:18 Tracie Thomson commented:

    Really love this blog! So happy you found inspiration again from this exhibition. Lovely words!

  • Ethan Rogers

    On 28 June 2022, 18:24 Ethan Rogers commented:

    Amazing blog, great description of the exhibition and wonderful words about the experience

  • Christina Birt

    On 29 June 2022, 11:27 Christina Birt commented:

    Beautiful photographs Abbie. So lovely to be reminded of the importance and power of creativity and that arts in our lives.

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