Amy Frisby | TrinityTalent 2021

TrinityTalent celebrates Amy Frisby for Progress in Drama. Amy has been selected as ‘Youth Choice’ by a panel of young people.

Amy Frisby | TrinityTalent 2021

14-year-old Amy Frisby was nominated for TrinityTalent Class of 2021 for Progress and has been selected as Youth Choice for Drama. She completed Speech & Drama Grade 3 in 2021 supported by Norwich Theatre. Amy has grown in confidence, overcome personal challenges and continues to succeed. Amy has demonstrated the skill of completely absorbing the character she is portraying. She has made it known that she wants to continue to work through Trinity drama exams and further her development. Amy also cares a lot about the representation of girls with autism and encourages other young people to use acting to portray this positively.

Amy was nominated for TrinityTalent by Andy Adam, Creative Engagement Producer of Norwich Theatre,who said: "We would like to nominate Amy as she has shown a significant amount of commitment, determination and progress in her learning whilst overcoming significant challenges in her personal and family life. She is motivated and determined in her efforts to move her life journey forward as she continues to learn new skills. She has a newfound confidence, enjoys character analysis and has found her voice."

The Youth Choice panel said: "Amy expresses herself well through her performance and has fun with her qualification. We can see an insane amount of commitment! We are thrilled to recognise her hard work, and we think it's amazing how she's stayed committed to home life and her creative practice."

The TrinityTalent panel said: "Amy has done an amazing job to have achieved the qualification to a high standard and overcome personal learning challenges. Well done!"

How do you feel about being selected to be part of TrinityTalent Class of 2021 and being recognised in this way?

I'm totally surprised and very grateful to my acting teacher for nominating me!

How do you feel you have developed creatively and artistically in 2021?

I've worked a lot on my confidence and have developed my acting techniques to better my performance.

What impact did your Trinity qualification have on your artistic development?

It's increased my confidence, and I know that acting will always be important to me.

Has taking part in a Trinity qualification helped you to develop wider skills, such as communication skills, creativity or confidence?

Yes, absolutely! My confidence has grown, I find that I'm able to express myself better and I'm exploring my creative side.

If you took a digital music or drama exam, please tell us how you found the experience of recording your performance

It was a real challenge as I had to think of camera angles, background, lighting, etc, as well as my acting! But I overcame those issues, and I'm proud of what I've achieved.

What are the next steps for you artistically and creatively in 2022?

I would like to continue working with Trinity College London exams, and I plan to explore theatre and develop a further understanding of how productions work.

What are your longer term aims, for example for your future studies or work?

I want to become a child psychologist, and I'm sure my acting skills will come in very useful to help develop myself in that career.

Have you got any advice for other young people working towards a Trinity qualification?

Trust your instincts. Dare to be, and always ask for advice when you need it!

Read more about the talented young people selected to be featured as part of the TrinityTalent Class of 2021.

Header Image Credit: Amy Frisby


Trinity Talent

Trinity Talent

TrinityTalent celebrates talented young people achieving Trinity’s music, drama and Arts Award qualifications in the UK.

Teachers and students can nominate young artists aged 13-25 who have shown excellence in one of the following categories during 2021: CREATIVE FLAIR | PROGRESS | LEADERSHIP

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