Harry was nominated by his teacher Duncan for 'his hard work while working towards brilliance in percussion.' Duncan says: 'Harry's hard work has been inspiring him for the last three years and he is on the quest for brilliance in percussion meaning he wants to reach grade 8 on snare drum, drum kit and xylophone within the next year. After just 18 months of setting this goal, he is already 75% of the way there!'
Harry would like to thank Duncan for not only the nomination but also for his continued support in all aspects of his musical education.
What does Harry play?
Harry's progress in his pursuits in percussion is truly impressive, having achieved a grade 8 snare drum, grade 5 drum kit, grade 5 tuned percussion (xylophone) and grade 3 music theory. He will be sitting grade 6 drum kit, grade 6 xylophone and grade 5 ABRSM music theory in April 2020.
Harry's advice for students taking Trinity College London qualifications:
Make sure that you really love music and your instrument because that is when practising and playing stops being something that you have to do...it becomes something that you look forward to and enjoy. This is when you make progress which opens up a whole new world of opportunities.
What does the future hold?
Harry hopes to pursue music as a career, he will continue through the grades alongside school exams.
Read more about the talented young people selected to be featured as part of the TrinityTalent Class of 2019.