15 July 2019
Tree Authorship Row - What's Been Happening?
Tree; an authorship row. Let me break it down for you (with some help from GIPHY).
31 October 2016
My Week at the Young Vic
As a performer, I jumped at the chance of reviewing the Young Vic Theatre's 'Introduction to Theatre' course. This is new idea at the Young Vic, provides more opportunities for young people to create work, with the know-how from the experts; From playwright Simon Stephens to actor Ashley Walters and the Young Vic's own gifted designers.
5 August 2015
Backstage with...Ellie Hart
Ellie Hart is a third year BA Drama, Applied Theatre and Education student at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Louise Ripley-Duggan talked to her about her recent placement at London's Young Vic Theatre.