21 November 2018
Arts Under Threat
Oliver Hopkins discusses the importance of the arts within schools in the face of continued funding cuts.
Gold Arts Award, Unit 1, Part D.
6 September 2018
The reduction of arts in education and its consequence
Something I'm passionate about and so chose to write for my Part D of Unit 1
17 May 2017
Is an arts degree or experience more valuable when applying for a job within the arts industry?
For Unit 1 Part D, I have decided to look at a problem faced by many 17 to 18 year olds.
13 March 2017
Is graffiti vandalism or art?
This is my unit 1 part D arts issue for my gold arts award.
13 March 2017
Are female characters represented as powerless characters in film?
This is my Unit 1 Part D, Arts issue for Gold Award.
15 January 2016
Can Visual Art Defy Society?
I know for certain that the power of the arts can rebel against the world in a variety of different ways. For instance, art in the 1990s was used to present "broken" or "grotesque" imagery which at the time reflected the economic struggles and the dissatisfied and rebellious youth at that time. But what about today in 2016? Does art of our time need to completely change our current state, or will it only encourage our demise?
1 September 2015
How Schools View Careers in the Arts
This is a topic that is very close to my heart and the opinions I have formed come mainly from my own experiences in attempting to gain acceptance and help from my school in regards to the career path I have chosen to follow.