17 July 2016
Technology disconnected?
My time at Latitude has me thinking that perhaps I am too engrossed in the world of technology
19 April 2016
How to...tech!
Oh dear. Are you surrounded by so much tech these days that you can't tell the difference between the latest trends and your artistic needs? Well, fear no more! I, the slightly-average Luke, shall guide through this monstrosity of modern technology...
15 April 2016
Tech backlash: the resurgence of film, vinyl and paperbacks
Technology has advanced art - for better or worse - at a speedy pace in recent years. But with the recent growth in vinyl sales, and the ongoing trend for film photography, is it really all over for analogue?
12 April 2016
Music and tech: what’s next?
Naturally, music and technology go hand-in-hand. But like an old married couple, they've certainly had their fair share of squabbles.
5 April 2016
Is gaming really killing our brains?
Since the dawn of society, games have been considered a source of recreation and have evolved into many forms and formats; from social activities to sports. But today's games aren't always considered so healthy.
6 November 2015
Interview: Lumiere's budding artists
This year's Lumiere festival in Durham will feature an installation called 'Precious' created by Media Studies students from Durham Sixth Form Centre in collaboration with New Zealand company Storybox. Ellen Orange speaks to some of the students involved in the project to find out more.
6 November 2015
Technology – the next step for society or our greatest downfall?
In today's society, we've come so far with technology – smartphones are a necessity, laptops are at our fingertips, and the internet is basically our lifeline. But is it really worth it?
4 November 2015
The best TED picks: on technology, kids and education
Who says it best? The most informative videos about the importance of creative technology from an early age.
1 November 2015
Want my job?...with Mozilla's Cassie McDaniel
Want my job?...with Mozilla's Cassie McDaniel
31 October 2015
Can technology increase the political participation of 18-24 year olds in the United Kingdom? - An extract
A summary of my dissertation, submitted the month before the General Election
10 September 2015
2015 Apple iPhone launch liveblog
The annual Apple iPhone event happened last night, and @tominniss was livetweeting the whole thing. Read his coverage of the launch below.