27 June 2021
Superhero on Screen: Exploring Grief, Loss and Mental Health (Part 2)
In this two-part column, I’ll be exploring examples of superhero TV shows which portray powerful depictions of grief, loss, mental health and what we should learn from their insights.
25 March 2021
Interview with Sian Keen, New Creative
Sian Keen talks to us about her BBC New Creatives audio project ‘We Don’t Know What To Tell You, It’s Clearly Weight Related’.
7 December 2020
Whether you have it or not, we should all be educated on diabetes
The low-down on this misunderstood condition
3 July 2017
Questiong The Stigma Held Within Ballet
This is a subject that has always interested me from my own personal experiences with ballet and my general interests in the art altogether. I decided to write this arts issue for my gold arts award as its something that has always been such an issue within the world of ballet and dance itself as an art form overall and I felt so passionate about it and wanted to share this with others to see what they thought.