4 January 2024
3 Steam Sale Space Sims
Getting into the cockpit of three heavily discounted games
24 November 2021
The Race for Space: Exploring the history of the space race through music
A look into the use of historical broadcasts and narrative layout in Public Service Broadcasting’s hit indie album The Race for Space.
4 March 2021
Interview with Kellie Gerardi, science communicator and citizen scientist
Commercial spaceflight industry professional Kellie Gerardi talks about her experiences conducting microgravity research, her hopes for a democratised space and her book, Not Necessarily Rocket Science: a Beginner’s Guide to Life in the Space Age.
22 September 2019
Ad Astra review
A gripping and visually stunning space voyage in search of humanity, purpose and closure
5 August 2019
Inflatable Space
Inflatable Space uses innovative methods to create an aesthete's dream.
15 July 2019
600 People (Theatre Review)
A review of the play "600 People", created by theatre company Third Angel.
26 October 2018
First Man Review
This will be a review on the 2018 Biographical Drama First Man that stars Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy.
28 November 2016
2001 : A Space Odyssey - Keir Dullea & Gary Lockwood
The massive science fiction hit by director Stanley Kubrick welcomed two of the actors from 1968's '2001 : A Space Odyssey'. Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood took part in a panel at Birmingham MCM Comic Con this month.